Saturday 3 December 2011

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Awake: 6:25am      Temp 24       sleep 6+20       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, back @ our house, Kathy continued separating the books to be tossed, the books that will be given to Melissa for their church to sell next yr & the books to keep on our bookshelf. DSC0001379.JPG Meanwhile, I decided to get the hall tree that I made in Alaska & fix it. Apparently it had broken during shipping, so now that I have my metal lathe for help, I will re-enforce some of the parts; DSC0001380.JPG Kathy & I are looking forward to having a decent hall tree in our entry way to hang our coats & hats on. I spent about (5) hrs today getting the sections ready for the pins & epoxy.

Steve, one of the excavators, returned to finish the landscaping to our satisfaction. After he had finished, I walked both circular driveways & was very pleased & comfortable with what they had done.

K & I attended 6:00pm Vigil Mass & then we joined Barry, Theresa, & John @ the Nicktown bar for beer, Pizza & some much needed aviation talk that the ladies were starving to hear!

Lights out: 12:08am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 5, 2011 8:51 PM.

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