Sunday 4 December 2011

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Awake: 7:42am      Temp 42       sleep 7+34      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Today our town is celebrating the feast of St. Nicholas day a few days early (the actual feast day is Dec. 6th). For many years, the Nicktown church has been inviting the entire town for a covered dish dinner at the church hall in honor of St. Nicholas. This is something we don't want to miss.

Kathy made & brought a Zesty Green Bean dish for the occasion. @ 11:20am, we motored to the church hall & started our social gathering. About 11:50am, we all joined Father Chad & Brother Nathanial in giving thanks for our many blessings & then, off to lineup for the best & favorite dishes of so many of the town's folks.

Ah, such good & healthy food & the desserts were scrumptious as well. And so it was, super good food, great social time & we only had to clean our (1) dish.

Back @ our house, I continued my work on the hall tree for (3) more hrs. This time, the epoxy was cementing (3) sections together...using larger dowels in all sections. DSC0001381.JPG                                                               Section (2) DSC0001382.JPG                                                        & section (3) DSC0001383.JPG Late snack was popcorn with mixed nuts & cheese.

Lights out: 10:55pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 6, 2011 9:30 PM.

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