Friday 2 December 2011

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Awake: 5:01am      Temp 27       sleep 5+35      mostly cloudy      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, we returned to our house & saw that the Cunningham guys were making good time with the bulldozer & skitter. Around noon time, I could easily see that the gravel we had was thinning, so I asked Steve if he could call Don & order (2) more loads of gravel. He called but Don said he was so busy that he could only bring it in tonight in the dark. So I agreed to that plan.

It was kind of neat to see the lower ground covered with the dark topsoil taken from the (4) topsoil mountains. DSC0001375.JPG I didn't realize that Don, the gravel trucker, was in the area with a load of gravel & planned to dump it right in front of the (3) car garage. Since the Lexus didn't really have a hood problem (it was the driver who couldn't read the lower switch with a hood picture on it) When the skitter gets around to leveling the gravel out, K & I will back out the Lexus & the Riviera & then re-organize this (3) car garage to allow space for our Suzuki. DSC0001376.JPG It didn't take long before we had the space opened & how nice it will be. No more having to scrape the frost off the windows or snow off the cars before travel. DSC0001377.JPG                            Dinner: New England clam chowder with garlic bread.

Flash News! This just in: our younger son, Zack, working diligently for EMC, Corp.,has been duly promoted to "Principal Software Engineer." Proud Parents we are. Good work son, & congratulations!!! DSC0001378.JPG                                                Lights out: 11:56pm.

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