Thursday 1 December 2011

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Awake; 5:27am      Temp 28      sleep 6+59      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

                       Hurray! The Cunningham boys arrived a little after 10:00am. DSC0001369.JPG This means that we will be getting our landscaping done, having the weed mountains taken away & the downspouts will be hooked up plus our circular driveway will be gravel covered, etc. Here is Dave working the bulldozer. DSC0001370.JPG                                       & here is Steve running the skitter. DSC0001371.JPG Meanwhile, inside our house, Kathy was getting the final finish on her cabinet under the cook top from Doug. She patiently waited for months for the drawers to be re-cut & installed after they were re-measured. DSC0001372.JPG   Also around noon time, Don, the truck driver, came in & unloaded his 2nd load of gravel. DSC0001373.JPG The 1st load was unloaded just off the circular drive earlier this morning. The ditches were dug & the rain-spouts were connected to the pipeline headed down toward the field on the back side of our house. DSC0001374.JPG The guys got a lot of things done today & they will be back in the morning.

Dinner: Tilapia, brown & wild rice, salad, & garlic toast.

Lights out: 11:26pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 3, 2011 11:12 PM.

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