Wednesday 9 November 2011

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Awake: 6:33am       Temp: no frost       sleep 7+11      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

About 9:30am, Kathy motored to Barnesboro & Spangler for groceries & to donate things that we don't want to the thrift store.

About the same time, our dumpster was lifted up & taken away. We've had 3 or 4 of these dumpsters around our yard ever since we started building the house. DSC0001307.JPG During Kathy's absence, I called Verizon & was connected to a young man in India. From the start, he spoke better English then the girl did. After about an hr of serious punching of the keys according to his instructions, the young man finally said to me: ok, now sir, would you try to connect with Google. "YES!" It works. He tried to tell me that I made it work...but really, it was him & his specific instructions. Welcome back Mr. Modem.

Kathy was delighted when she found out. We didn't spend too much time on the computer today, but we did go downstairs & organize our game room a little better.

Dinner: Leftover filled peppers....

Lights out: 10:41pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 17, 2011 10:17 PM.

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