Tuesday 8 November 2011

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Awake: 5:18am     Temp 35     sleep 6+38     sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

Mike, the mason arrived @ 7:30am to finish the power washing on the bricks of our house.

About 10:00am, John & I met @ the garage & removed the other drum, & took both drums down to Spangler to have the experts clean them up using their lathe. Then we voted @ the volunteer fire department building here in Nicktown for the local Cambria County positions.

Next, Kathy, John & I motored to Heilwood to enjoy a scrumptious turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The people from the Presbyterian Church in Heilwood offer this feast on every election day.

Back in our house, I spent (1.5) hrs on the cell phone doing my best to understand this Indian (from India) girl, who was very nice, patient, & knew what she was doing, but some of her words were difficult to understand. It was all about getting our Modem back on track. We thought we had fulfilled the criteria necessary to bring the Modem back to life, but in the end, she was worn out & I was also. We couldn't go on. Tomorrow I will try again...because...we miss our computers. We both read our novels during the evening.

Lights out: 11:22pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 17, 2011 10:06 PM.

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