Thursday 10 November 2011

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Awake: 4:55am      Temp 41       sleep 6+14      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

During our KK meeting, John & I arranged to get together around noon time to continue working on the Buick's brakes. @ 11:30am, John rang our door bell & we motored to Spangler & picked up the nicely cleaned drums; back @ the garage, one @ a time, John put the drums back on the rear wheels making sure the brake adjusters were set properly.

Earlier this morning, Dave had moved a red classic car into the garage which blocked my Buick from testing the brakes. We decided to use the Suzuki, drive to Dave's house & ask him if he could move the red car out of the garage so we could go for a test drive. Fortunately, Dave was home & agreed to our request.

The Buick started right up & rolled out of the storage garage with no problems. John hopped in & we went for a (15) mile tour through Alverda & areas I've never seen before. When braking, the right wheel didn't pull to the right as it had for some time.

We made a few stops along the way & John would get out, hold his hand on the back wheels to check if they were getting warm or hot, only very, very lightly warm he told me. On our return to Nicktown, we drove right into the garage, but not the same garage as usual...but our home garage!

                          I've been waiting yrs to have this happen & finally it has. DSC0001308.JPG Thanks to John's good work & his superb mechanical ability.

Dinner: Italian tuna & noodle casserole.

Lights out: 11:30pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 19, 2011 1:04 PM.

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