Sunday 27 November 2011

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Awake: 7:27am      Temp 46      sleep 8+05      cloudy      overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy made an excellent breakfast for us this morning: bacon, veggie/cheese omelet & toast.

It gave us so much energy that Kathy & Corinne with large plastic trash bags in hand, went about our yard & surrounding woods, picking up papers & other trash that had blown from our giant burn pile.

Then I lifted a heavy bag of trash from inside the house & headed for the burn pile without a grunt. DSC0001362.JPG Later, Corinne happily plugged & covered the screws on our entry door & sidelight windows. DSC0001363.JPG            And shortly after that, Kathy added about (20) photo albums to our bookshelf. DSC0001364.JPG Whats going on here? With all this energy flying around the house & outside, I better try & do my best to keep up with these gals. Maybe if I get that fairly good sized plastic tarp that was mixed up with sand & mud from the brick layers...and drag it over & stretched it out over the ground, so when it rains, that dirty old plastic tarp might just look a lot better, & be a good cover for the Ford Van or my bundle of butternuts just laying on the grass.Hmm, we will see!

Dinner: chicken-veggie-soup with garlic bread & salad.

Mid evening, Kathy found the movie she made while living & working in Bogotá, Columbia, S.A. the summer of 1964. It was the best of the silent, 8mm movies that we have watched so far and Corinne missed it by going to bed too early.
Lights out: 11:34pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 29, 2011 9:39 PM.

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