Monday 28 November 2011

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Awake: 6:27am     Temp 52     sleep 6+53     overcast     overnight @ Nicktown.

This morning at the KK meeting, Corinne was introduced to the real KK meetings; lots of talk, some jokes, usually many people older & younger & many subjects; plus we don't gossip.

This time, Rosemarie brought her homemade chocolates to share with us & someone else brought some very good cookies; so we & Corinne & the others, had our dessert before breakfast.

Back @ our house, I finally succumbed & gave up on having electrical DC power for the motors on the Gabriel 725 Erecter set in lieu of batteries; Kathy bought (4) D cell batteries & both motors tested just fine.

After breakfast, Corinne visited some 1st cousins in town & a friend while K & I did more of the same to keep our house organizing program on the move. Before dinner, Kathy & I were both on our individual computers when suddenly our good friend Mark, from Ohio, showed up on Skype; what a nice surprise. Neither he nor we were in a position to talk very long but now we know he has Skype.

After Corinne returned, she volunteered to continue using the small plugs to cover up the screws on our downstairs doors. She did it so much faster than on Sunday.

Dinner: bacon bit hamburger with caramelized onions, marinated Portabella mushrooms with roasted red peppers, & toast. No movie tonight.

Lights out: 10:28pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 30, 2011 9:47 PM.

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