Tuesday 29 November 2011

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Awake: 6:40am      Temp 57      sleep 8+02      rain off & on      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, about 9:40am, Barry & I went to our church to replace (2) strong light bulbs on the ceiling that burned out. I was chosen due to my skinny frame. Ken was my helping partner & Barry was the guy down on the main floor making sure the lights were properly focused.

The 1st light bulb replacement went rather well due to Ken's experience; he's done this before.

2nd light bulb was way down to where the roof meets the wall. Ken would have had a problem going down the steep rafters; but he did loan me his LED small flashlight which I held in my teeth the entire time; I needed both of my hands.

I had to skid down on my rump & get into position to do the job. The bulb was fixed on the light socket with little difficulty but the canister was a nuisance. It was leaning to the far right & I had no tools or anything to straighten it out; for the next 40-50 min, I tried getting that bulb focused to where Barry wanted it to be (shining on the organ player) but it just wouldn't do it.
Finally, Barry accepted having the beam focused on the Baptismal fountain, which is very close to the organ player. Down in the main church area, I doubt that anybody (except us...or the organ player) would know the difference.

Back @ our house, Corinne & Kathy were just finishing their breakfast; then Corinne began writing letters & later, Kathy went downstairs & scrubbed the mudroom floor. Then Corinne helped Kathy move (2) mattresses into the mud room.

Mid afternoon, Corinne visited her friend again while K & I started to assemble the Foosball game. DSC0001365.JPG Kathy had her Apple computer with a picture helping us to put things together. Then some of the players were not working out; they were complaining of backaches & tightness of clothing. They just wanted to lay around & goof-off. DSC0001366.JPG That's when we realized we were looking at a different foosball game all together. We will have to do some more research.

After loading her car, Corinne joined us for wine time & mixed nuts; then she motored to Ebensburg for a dinner with some of her high school classmates before going back to Pittsburgh.

Our dinner was later: left over chicken veggie soup & Italian tuna casserole with garlic bread. I do want to thank Corinne for helping Kathy wash windows, for plugging the screw holes in the entry door & windows as well as the downstairs doors, & for carrying those (2) mattresses into the mud room.

Lights out: 10:29pm.

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