Saturday 26 November 2011

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Awake: 6:43am       Temp 41       sleep 7+52      overcast      overnight @ Nicktown.

The (3) of us attended 8:00am Mass this morning, & after Mass, we all helped distribute the new music books & new Mass books. It took some time to put the music books in their binders before distributing them in all the pews; so when we finally introduced our KK to Corinne, there were basically only a few people there. I think my sister understood.

After our late breakfast that started @ 11:30am, Kathy & Corinne motored to the Foote Castle & spent most of the afternoon visiting with the boys, Melissa & little Abbey.

Meanwhile, Kevin drove to our house & made some more progress on getting more phones hooked up & wireless throughout our house. Nice job Kevin. DSC0001359.JPG While Kevin was doing that, I made good progress on getting my metal lathe back together again & yes, Kevin helped me get the vertical unit up & on. Thanks again Kevin.  DSC0001360.JPG Actually, having wireless will be wonderful for Kathy & me plus any others who visit & have a computer.Oh yes, we also have a working phone in the master bedroom & a cute fancy phone in my laboratory. DSC0001361.JPG About 5:30pm, Kathy & Corinne arrived back from the Foote Castle, changed clothes & we (3) attended the vigil Mass @ our church.

Afterwards, we joined Barry, Theresa, Todd, Bonnie Lou, & John for beer & pizza plus a darn good yak session.

Lights out: 11:32pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 29, 2011 7:43 PM.

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