Thursday 24 November 2011

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Awake: 7:32am       Temp 33      sleep 7+29       fog...then sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attended 9:00 am Mass in Nicktown. The church was very crowded for not being a holy day. Father asked for each family to bring in a non-perishable food item for the Carrolltown food pantry; they will distribute the food to the hungry.

After our late breakfast, we motored to Ebensburg to do a little grocery shopping, then motored about (1) mile to my brother Don & Josie's home for an afternoon & short evening of celebrating Thanksgiving.

When we arrived @ their driveway, we thought everyone who was coming was already here....a truck towing a trailer with Quad-runners took up some parking space on the street but the driveway was clear for our arrival.

My brother & wife Josie greeted us @ the front door; they have been having this Thanksgiving gathering for (57) yrs now but we lost out on many of those visits by being in Memphis, Alaska, or touring the country.

Dave, Kelly Jo & their (3) kids have been here since Tuesday; after Thanksgiving, Dave will drive the quads to meet friends at their camp. Kelly Jo & kids will return home on Sat.

The downstairs area of my brother's house, is the place to be for small children & the Foote boys made good use of this space playing with larger metal excavators, trucks, tractor trailers, etc. DSC0001351.JPG When I thought that everyone who was coming to this gathering was here, in comes some more people. DSC0001352.JPG There were (2) new boys that I've never seen before with their parents that were about the same size & ages as the Foote boys, so Christian & Hydeen  made their day even more exciting.

Aside from having toys, you can't beat having a cool girl like Jordyn, who had those boys trained like an expert, with competition at its best.

                                              "How high can you jump?" DSC0001353.JPG                                        "Do you think you can jump this high! DSC0001354.JPG                               You are not so tall so I will lower the jump line." DSC0001355.JPG                         My brother was lucky; he held Abbey for a good long time. DSC0001357.JPG Then the whistle blew & we all casually got in line & enjoyed the best turkey dinner with all the trimmings that we've had in a long time.

Jose & Kelly were very, very busy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It was a wonderful gathering in a most pleasant atmosphere & that's considering all the kids & their activities.

Corinne followed us to our house & she will be spending about (5) days with us. She was pretty tired so we helped bring her things inside, showed her the bedroom & that was it for tonight.
Lights out: 11:43am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 28, 2011 7:27 PM.

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