Saturday 17 September 2011

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Awake: 6:24am      Temp 47      sleep 6+39      partly sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

This morning @ our KK meeting, I brought a show & tell story that I recently found from the archives about our first daughter Melissa...getting married to Kevin.
The theme of which was biking, since that's how they met.

Melissa asked me to somehow make small bikes that she could use as favors on the tables at the reception. This was her 1st rendition of a bike. DSC0001141.JPG                                      and...this was her 2nd. Hmm! DSC0001142.JPG                   I went to work on this project & came up with a better looking bike.... DSC0001143.JPG but it took so long to make one. Then I figured out how to make a lot of these bikes without spending too much time on each bike. DSC0001144.JPG Using my metal lathe, & blocks of aluminum, I routed & grooved out the parts that was necessary for building a bike out of copper wire. I showed our family how to make the parts of the bike which they did while I was going on FedEx trips & when I would return home from the trip, I would solder the parts to complete the bike. DSC0001145.JPG When we asked Melissa how many bikes she would like to have, she told us: "about a hundred." Oh my gosh! DSC0001146.JPG                                             So we had to get serious DSC0001147.JPG                 We came close to that number...90 some. Final picture not available DSC0001148.JPG Anyway they are still riding bikes & their last big trip with (4) boys & a dog was over (200) miles.

The KK members seemed to enjoy a different show & tell story.

After our breakfast, I put all my FedEx mugs high up in the kitchen cabinets. Next, we went separately, Kathy upstairs & I down stairs & took showers in our house.

Then motored to Barnesboro (Northern Cambria) & attended 4:00 pm vigil Mass @ the Prince of Peace Church, & then attended my (53rd) High school reunion @ the Contres Greer building in Spangler. (Northern Cambria).

We had a good time & I enjoyed seeing some of my classmates & others. Class of 1955 through 1962 were included. Kathy & I did a lot of talking & dancing also.

Lights out: 12:34am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 20, 2011 9:37 AM.

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