Friday 16 September 2011

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Awake: 5:24am       Temp 42      sleep 5+16       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, K & I visited Byron & Herm @ the hardware store. 1st, we wanted to buy a few nails & washers, & then to pick Herms brain about the vinyl decking.

Herm, Byron & our young friends in Saint Augustine have vinyl decking with few complaints, & that is after some 6-8 yrs of use. I've been pulling out some of the little hair I have left, trying to decide on decking material. Maybe this close-to-home-idea will be the simple solution. K & I did tour Herm's porch, noting flooring & the hand rails & it looked good to us.

Back in our house, I spent most of the remaining morning & afternoon in my cluttered workshop putting the puzzle work-bench together. This will be the 3rd time I've done this; counting the original building of this bench in Memphis, Tennessee. I dismantled it & flew it to Anchorage, Alaska; then reassembled it there. I used it there until son Nick & I dismantled it (14) yrs later, & now I'm reassembling it (10) yrs later. (1) board was cracked on arrival so I got out the epoxy, the clamps & the heat lamps to give it about (4) hrs of curing.

                                                Kathy did more laundry today; DSC0001139.JPG & reminded me that she counted (43) pairs of my socks; not counting my socks in the M.H. I could not believe that until I witnessed it in person. Sure enough, that was the count. Wow! And they are all in good shape. DSC0001140.JPG Around 8:00 pm, I drove over to the Nicktown Bar & waited for the gang to show up for our boys night out; I didn't wait long, as they poured onto our favorite table.

My brother suggested a BIG pitcher of beer & that lasted us a long time. Tom had some funny jokes every now & then, & my brother had some interesting stories of yesteryear's business adventures. And Pete, well, he & I supported the laughter community, mainly to keep the stories coming.

The big Pizza we ordered filled our tummies & made the (3) hrs almost a perfect evening.

Lights out: 11:45pm.

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