Sunday 18 September 2011

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Awake: 7:28am      Temp 49       sleep 8+02       sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy finished laundering some of my clothes... in storage for (10) or more yrs. So, I took them to my armoire & filled most of the spaces that were for ties, socks, pants, sweaters, tee shirts, swimming suits, etc.

                Here are my (42) pairs of socks that Kathy pointed out the other day. DSC0001149.JPG                       Kathy found (3) more...not counting the socks in our M.H.

Mid afternoon, Kathy ordered (4) more lights for our powder room & my bathroom. Shortly after her computer transaction, we motored to Bryan's house & had a nice tour from his wife, Tina. DSC0001150.JPG                              He also is having geothermal heating & cooling. DSC0001151.JPG Back to our M.H, we ate a dinner of BLT's with olives & chips.

Late movie: "Two Way Stretch." We watched 2/3rds.

My sister Mary Jo called from California; we updated each other & she reported that all is well with her & her family & her grandson. Always nice to hear that!

Lights out: 11:59pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 20, 2011 2:52 PM.

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