Wednesday 17 August 2011

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Awake: 6:02am      Temp 56       sleep 6+36      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

1st thing this morning, we visited our house & realized we must do our best to stay somewhat organized. Here is Kathy introducing the neat & organized wrapping paper & cardboard..... DSC0001050.JPG            and she's using the big black bags to rid the extra torn wrapping & cardboard. DSC0001051.JPG I was impressed to see all the cabinets filled up with glasses, dishes, etc. Just wondering: how does a short lady stretch herself to the upper cabinets? DSC0001052.JPG Later this morning, Kathy drove to the Foote Castle to baby sit the (4) boys. Melissa has a Dr. appointment & Kevin does not have the time built up to take time off so Grandma was ready to help out.

Meanwhile, cousin Cy is back in town; he is taking our place ....using less than half of the empty crates we used for storage.

             Our completely full dumpster was replaced with an empty one this morning; DSC0001053.JPG                           And there goes the overfilled dumpster...using a cover. DSC0001054.JPG Neighbor Chuck visited & I showed him the challenge I have coming up to get our compressors working again. DSC0001055.JPG I did make another call to Newell & talked with Chuck, the parts guy, about some of the parts he will be sending me soon.

Around 6:00pm, Byron called us & said he & his fork lift are free to help us this evening with the heavier things in storage. He made (3) trips over to our house this evening. Cyril joined us to watch the activity for awhile. Then, due to darkness, we finished with the last load @ 8:50pm.

Dinner: pulled pork & tuna salad.

Lights out: 11:17pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 31, 2011 11:18 AM.

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