Thursday 18 August 2011

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Awake: 7:09am       Temp 61      sleep 7+52       mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy stayed @ our house to break down boxes for the burn pile. I drove over to the storage building & started opening more crates. By noon time, (2 & ¾ opened). I also pulled out boxes & carried them to the garage door.

Back in our M.H., Bernie visited us; his health is getting better all the time. About the same time, 84 Lumber brought in a load of treated boards for the 1st phase of our decking; so we discussed the possible deck material & the estimated time frame to do the job. DSC0001056.JPG After Bernie left, K & I were about to go into our house when we spotted Janet & Bill; they were collecting $ for the annual Nicktown picnic. So I forked over a little $ & then, K & I gave them a tour of our house for being such good neighbors.

Later, K & I went back to the storage facility & spent (2) more hrs getting boxes & stuff out of the crates, loading them into our Suzuki & the red truck, bringing them back to our house, & unloading them onto the main floor.

Dinner: leftover Pizza, salad & cherries.

Lights out: 11:58pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 31, 2011 7:06 PM.

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