Tuesday 16 August 2011

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Awake: 6:52am     Temp 61     sleep 7+57     mostly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

This morning, Kathy was inside our house cleaning windows...before Bernie adds the screens on the windows.

Mother Nature was most kind to me on this sunny day as I did my checking & snooping around to make sure I had electricity going to both of the compressors...& pulling plugs & checking for any loose wiring, etc.

I talked to Chuck @ Newell, the parts man & asked him about some of the parts I'll need to have to make the fix; I'm not ready to order them yet....just want to be sure.

Dinner: Tuna steak, rice with golden raisins, spinach salad & corn on the cob.

Zack called late evening; he has been having back aches lately. Kathy gave him some suggestions as to what he might try; ie. sleeping on his side as opposed to his back, doing stretching exercises, perhaps getting a new mattress. We also talked about the TV program: HGTV...house hunting.

Lights out: 11:26pm.     

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