Monday 15 August 2011

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Awake: 7:03am     Temp 64     sleep 6+10     mist...rain & heavy @ times    overnight @ Nicktown.

This morning, I called Newell & talked to Jim, one of the upper end guys who works in the repair area; I told him my problem & then he passed me onto Robert & also to Jimmy.

Both techs then tried to resolve the problem of an air leak that just started over the weekend on our M.H. Both compressors don't run. So now, our air door is manual, the slide tubing will eventually go flat which means that I'll have to run the engine every so often to keep the pressure up, etc.

Unfortunately, off & on rain had me inside & out checking for voltage, continuity & any irregularity in regards to the air system. The compressors are located in the forward section of the coach in the basement below the driver. Many phone conversations & theories of: what's happened....continued throughout periods in the morning & afternoon.

The Newell guys in Miami, Oklahoma are good; they know their stuff & the company allows them time to help on problems like this because the company takes care of their clients.

I didn't make too much progress this day but I did hit the books on Saturday & Sunday to perhaps educate myself on the air system before I made the call today.

Kathy was in the house much of the morning & afternoon, organizing.

Dinner: pork chops, fried noodles, apple sauce, cherries & broccoli.

Lights out:10:55pm.  

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 29, 2011 9:38 PM.

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