Sunday 14 August 2011

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Awake: 6:30am     Temp 66     sleep 6+39     rain...TRW's     overnight @ Nicktown.

We just happened to be near St. Nicholas church this morning when the new Bishop, Mark, who said the 10:30 Mass & was about to give the homily.

We were lucky to just sit down inside & listen. I liked the way he spoke & he seemed very sincere & a down to earth kind of guy.

Early afternoon, we continued opening boxes & placing their contents in the proper rooms, etc.

Dinner, salmon fish, rice, beets in sour cream with spinach, & cherries.

Late evening, Nick Skyped us & spent well over an hr getting my Fire Fox program to operate normal again. Not having it, was messing up my blogging. Now I must turn over some of my precious & classic Transformers to him at Christmas time for being so good & helping me so much!

Lights out: 12:53am.        

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