Monday 18 July 2011

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Awake: 6:28     Temp 67     sleep 7+01     sunny     overnight @ Flying Saucer Campground. 

We talked with Melissa @ 7:20am for about (20) min to find out if anything has changed with her status? She's still very tired & not feeling much better. 

After that call, Kathy called Bob, the builder, to let him know that we have (2) more cabinets to hang. Bob also clued us in on the bricking & on the security system. 

We left the Flying Saucer Campground @ 8:56am...heading east across town, south on I-25 for a short time & then east on I-70. We had (1) stop for fuel in Oakley, Kansas; 164.3 gal @ $3.97 per gal. 

Our next stop was Paxico, Kansas arriving @ 6:08pm. We found the Mill Creek campground office, paid our camping fee for the night: ($27.00), & proceeded to have dinner: leftover cod fish with rice & tuna salad from the Macaroni Grill on Friday. 

Today's travel: 518 miles     time behind the wheel= 8+47     80 gal used     6.5 mpg     avg speed 60. 

Coming into this campground, we crossed over double tracks that were a mere (100) feet from where we parked. And, we were told that those trains are very active day & night. Oops, how well will we sleep tonight? We didn't get any satellite signals from space due to too many trees so we watched a recorded documentary. 

Basically we were pretty tired & lights out: 11:44pm.   

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 9, 2011 9:08 AM.

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