talked with Melissa @
After that call, Kathy called Bob, the builder, to let him know that we have (2) more cabinets to hang. Bob also clued us in on the bricking & on the security system.
We left the Flying
Saucer Campground @ 8:56am...heading east across town, south on I-25 for a short
time & then east on I-70. We had (1) stop for fuel in
Our next
stop was
Today's travel: 518 miles time behind the wheel= 8+47 80 gal used 6.5 mpg avg speed 60.
Coming into this campground, we crossed over double tracks that were a mere (100) feet from where we parked. And, we were told that those trains are very active day & night. Oops, how well will we sleep tonight? We didn't get any satellite signals from space due to too many trees so we watched a recorded documentary.
Basically we were pretty tired & lights
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