Tuesday 19 July 2011

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Awake: 6:20am Temp 80 sleep 6+36 sunny overnight @ Paxico, Kansas. We found out that this place is a neat & small historic town; population 207. DSC000992.JPG We did witness (2) trains passing on different tracks but during the night, Kathy heard nothing. However, I was awakened from a dead sleep by a fast moving train this morning; it was about my usual wake up time anyway. Here are the double tracks that we were parked so close to. DSC000991.JPG My camera has been on Eastern Standard Time but we did leave Paxico @ 8:05am & continued heading east on I-70. We had a small toll when going through Topeka, Kansas but the roads were smooth & traffic moved swiftly.

When we started heading northeast on I-70 in Illinois, the roads were not good...& not good thru Indiana as well. Just as bad as (2) yrs ago!

Kathy called ahead for our next campground: the Heartland Resort in Greenfield, Indiana. This will be our 3rd visit @ this campground so it's been tested & approved by us.

We arrived @ 6:09pm. Today's travel: 594 miles no stops.... time behind the wheel= 10+09 88 gal used 6.8 mpg avg speed= 59

Dinner: Reuben sandwich, 4 bean salad with chips.

After dinner, we watched ½ of the movie: "Dream Wife."

Lights out: Midnight.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 14, 2011 11:05 PM.

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