Sunday 17 July 2011

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Awake: 8:05am      Temp 71      sleep 8+16      sunny      overnight @ Flying Saucer Campground. 

 Melissa called; she was not feeling well & contributes her status to lack of sleep over their (2) weeks of vacationing. Kathy recommended she gargle with salt water to help relieve her sore throat & use lozenges to help control the cough. 
Later, Marge called & told us the gathering today would be @ 2:00pm @ Kathy & Chris's house & later we would all go to Rob's for a cookout. 
Then we motored over to Costco & this time, we stocked our freezer with perishables like fish, meat, veggies, etc. 

Later, we called Rosemary & Gary in PA to wish them a Happy Anniversary & Rosemary, a Happy Birthday. 
Next, we motored to Kathy & Chris, where the women's soccer game was drawing watchers. DSC000986.JPG A couple hours later we were off to Marge & Tom's youngest son, Rob's for that backyard BBQ.                                              
                                     Photo of Rob & Kelly's home. DSC000987.JPG               While we were waiting for Rob's hotdogs, hamburgers, kielbasas, etc DSC000988.JPG                      we sat in a ring formation & enjoyed just being together again. DSC000989.JPG From left to right: Marge, Tom, Jay, my empty chair, Carol, Kathy, & the newly married couple: Kathy & Chris. 
Tom & Marge's 2nd son, Mike, & his wife Kathy, have adopted a son from Asia & since this young man is quite knowledge about handling animals, here is Joey scolding the dogs who just might be misbehaving in front of a crowd. DSC000990.JPG Rob's BBQ was the best we've had in a long time & with that comment, we started to say our goodbyes & thank you. 

It was another wonderful wedding with a lot of good people & fun times. I'm sure the ladies will be planning our next gathering somewhere, somehow if at all possible. 
Lights out: 11:27pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 8, 2011 2:39 PM.

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