Friday 22 July 2011

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Awake: 5:54am      Temp 76      sleep 5+49       sunny & hot     overnight @ Nicktown.

After the KK meeting, Kathy motored downtown to Barnesboro for more empty boxes.  

Meanwhile, whatever I did, our computers are getting some signals but still, no phone dial tone. Also, our high-tech Silver Leaf electronic readout in our M.H. is goofy; instead of reading 4-5 choices, it bounces back & forth on 2 choices. I called Mark in Albany, Oregon & we talked about how to handle this problem. He suggested like a computer, "reboot" but otherwise, I might have to send it to them for repair. DSC000994.JPG After Kathy returned with more boxes, I emptied a few of my desk drawers out & moved quite a few of my clothes & other things from my closet & put them in the guest closet.

It's very hot in our house now so I turned on the geothermal air conditioning for cool air....main floor & basement. Bedrooms cooled off fine but it took longer for the main Hex to cool down.

Dinner: Ono fish, rice & raisins, asparagus & cherries.

Lights out: 12:05am.

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