Thursday 21 July 2011

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Awake: 5:21am     Temp 73     sleep 5+38     sunny & hot    overnight @ Nicktown.

Our phones are still not working; before going to the KK, I went outside & talked with a few brick layers. They all seem like good workers.

At the KK meeting, we were happy to see the gang again & we think, vise versa. However we have to leave early due to Blume's arriving @ 9:15am this morning.


After cutting some granite, Mike placed the cook-top in the middle of the counter; now it awaits installation.  

Next, I spent hrs trying to find out if our M.H. is the source of our phone problems; I checked the filters, the lines coming in & the phones themselves to no avail. I'm not finished so I'll be thinking of other ideas in troubleshooting.

Dinner: Balsamic chicken with baby spinach & orzo, & cherries.

After dinner, using boxes, Kathy went thru her closets & picked out many sweaters & clothing to take & store inside our house.

Lights out: 12:05am.   

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 15, 2011 10:10 PM.

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