Saturday 23 July 2011

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Awake: 5:56am       Temp 70      sleep 5+51       sunny & hot      overnight @ Nicktown.

Our KK meeting was so interesting this morning, most of us stayed for 1.5 hrs.

Later, Kathy & I moved more boxes from our M.H. into our house. Then I turned the geothermal unit on for (1) hr of cool air.

Next, @ 1:15pm, we motored to the Foote Castle for a visit. I brought along (3) different screwdrivers of the Torx variety; Matthew called us before we left home & requested a different screwdriver that he could use to get small motors from a defunct printer.

Interestingly a small boy I also liked to collect small motors for many different occasions; so my Torx drivers did the job & Matthew was well pleased.

            Later, the boys exhibited their new specs. Witness a Photo of Nathan; DSC000995.JPG                              Here we have the new & quite relaxed Andrew; DSC000996.JPG                          And left to right, Matthew, Nathan, Gregory & Andrew. DSC000997.JPG                               It was good to see the Foote Family again.

Then we returned to Nicktown & walked to church & attended the vigil 6:00pm Mass. Afterward, Barry, John, Kathy & I had some pizza with beer & plenty of talk.

Lights out: 11:50pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 17, 2011 9:50 AM.

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