Wednesday 18 May 2011

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Awake: 6:24am     Temp 55     sleep 7+10     heavy rain -off & on     overnight @ Nicktown.

After 8:00 am, I called the Verizon Phone Co. & talked with Lisa about having our outside phone unit moved to our new house. I also gave her our new address. She said it would take a few days to feed the info thru their system & to wait for her to call us.

During a no rain period, I went into the woods & found a long sturdy limb, wrapped about (2) feet of old cloth on the end, got myself in position close to our apple tree, poured some gasoline on the cloth, lit the cloth & burned those vicious tent worms on (2) different limbs.

Some of the worms were scooting away & falling to the ground so I torched a good section of that ground as well. DSC000763.JPG This afternoon, Kathy spent (2) hrs bagging noodles & helping crack 60 dozen eggs for future noodle making. When she returned, she had a few messages from Blume's in Freeport to take care of.

K & I attended 6:00pm Mass @ Nicktown & afterward, had a beer @ the Nicktown bar.

Dinner: leftover turkey dinner from our meal in Heilwood; Kathy added some cranberries & some chicken gravy.

Lights out: 11:38pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 22, 2011 8:15 AM.

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