Tuesday 17 May 2011

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Awake: 6:14am     Temp 51 fog..mist...off-on drizzle most of day   overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy spent (3) hrs this morning helping make noodles @ the church hall. She said they had a lot of help & that was good.

When she returned, we both visited our house to find out how the water testing survived; Bernie had his team of (5)workers in different rooms checking each & every faucet in the house, main & basement floors & no leaks were discovered.

Here Ryan & Adam are thoroughly checking the corner Kashmir combo jet & air tub for leaks....they found none. DSC000762.JPG About 3:00pm, Kathy hinted that she would like to eat out today. After all, it's voting day for the state of PA & the Heilwood Presbyterian church has turkey dinner meals on voting day each year (for 20 years) to eat inside or take-out. She called Theresa & asked if she would be interested; yes she was & then Theresa called Janet & Mark, but they were busy cleaning their basement. Theresa volunteered to drive, picked us up within 10 min, & away we went.

The Turkey dinner with all the trimmings & dessert was almost as good as Gary's dinner (2) days ago. K & I couldn't eat all that was on our plates so we asked for containers to bring it back home. Since Theresa drove us to & fro, we gave her a tour of our home which we think she enjoyed.

We had a phone message from Corinne when returned to our M.H. We returned the call & she revealed her travel plans to Ohio next week to visit our 99 yr old Aunt Bertha for her birthday. Just as we were getting ready for bed, heavy rain.

Lights out: 11:14pm.

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