Thursday 19 May 2011

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Awake: 5:55am      Temp 50      sleep 6+07      mist       overnight @ Nicktown.

KK meeting was very busy this morning; about (20) active members & Janet made her specialty cinnamon roles for the occasion. My 1st cousin, Florentz, joined us also.

After the meeting, he followed me to our M.H. as he needed to make a copy of some business stuff...but we don't have a copy machine. However, I've learned that I can take a picture of the page or pages, send it to Picasa on the computer & then use my Pixma iP90v Canon printer to reproduce the original. Florentz was well pleased with the reproduction.

After our breakfast, K & I motored to Indiana, PA, topped off our Suzuki's fuel tank @ Get-Go, then did some light grocery shopping @ Wal-Mart. Next, we spent the rest of the afternoon with the Foote family celebrating Melissa's (our eldest daughter) 37th birthday.

                     Hard to believe that she is 37! Go ahead, count those candles. DSC000764.JPG Melissa did little blowing as she had (3) windy fellows ready & willing to snuff out those candles. Some of the candles were the self re-lighting type so the boys employed even more of their hot air power. DSC000765.JPG We brought some balloons along to entertain the boys & Moira, a next door neighbor girl. We hooked up a battery charger & then used a small compressor to easily blow up those balloons.
                     I've heard of egg heads but this was the 1st one I've ever seen! DSC000766.JPG Here is the neighbor girl who admits she is a tomboy & proves it by not being shy of getting all muddy. DSC000767.JPG           Yes, some of the kids wanted to blow their balloons up using their own hot air. DSC000768.JPG Then it's time for us to leave; we certainly admire Melissa a lot for being a good daughter & Mother.

Later, K & I visited our house & were delighted to see the progress on our bar in the basement. Cy, picture yourself standing 1st in line! DSC000769.JPG Also, we'd been entertaining the idea of using some of the leftover bamboo to build the stairs, but Bernie suggested that due to the labor involved & the cost of the bamboo stair nosings, it would be more cost efficient to use oak wood.

Dinner: leftover Chili with chips, fresh mango & cantaloupe.

Lights out: 11:40pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 23, 2011 5:38 PM.

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