Wednesday 11 May 2011

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Awake: 6:16am Temp 55 sleep 6+36 sunny overnight @ Nicktown. We left the KK meeting early due to house work.
                                              This morning, not just (1) DSC000740.JPG                               but (2) Culligan trucks arrived on our premises. DSC000741.JPG Harry & his sidekick started the installation & programming @ 9:30 & finished @ 2:20pm. DSC000742.JPG There were a lot of plumbing issues to take care of on this project; for example, having the water come into the house from the well, then thru the Culligan high efficiency automatic water filter system to remove the iron & then the automatic water softener to reduce a fraction of the hard water. The water then returns to the buried outside campsite faucets & outside house faucets. Here we see Harry programming the automatic water filter system & me asking some questions. DSC000743.JPG Meanwhile, Kathy has volunteered to paint the interior doors in lieu of paying a professional painter.

After the Culligan guys left in their respective trucks, I filled up our motor home's pure water tank in minutes & the water color was so clear & the taste....very good.

During this time, Bernie & Adam were attaching the grid work for the ceiling panels...and Ryan & Nathan were getting the lights & trims in the ceiling.

Dinner: Power burger with broccoli, asparagus & red grapes.

Lights out: 11:13pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 15, 2011 12:11 PM.

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