Thursday 12 May 2011

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Awake: 6:25am       Temp 55       sleep 7+12      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, & back @ our M.H., Melissa called & wanted to know if this morning would be a good time for a visit. I told her that Kathy was helping make lunch with the ladies over at the church hall but as soon as I tip her off, she could be over here pronto.
And sure enough, she relinquished her position @ the church hall & was ready for our grand-kids.

The visit started out by Matthew selecting some of our water tubing left over from the geo wells. He said he has an idea to use tubing for their back yard.

Next, the day was sunny & warm so I had the boys follow me for a walk thru the woods just to stretch their legs before they focused on the dumpster. I think that dumpster will be the main focal point for them until our house building is finished.

This time, Melissa let Matthew & Andrew inside the dumpster, as the treasures were relatively skimpy at this point. Both boys selected packing pads which came in handy for all of us when sitting on the ground during the Foote's lunch time. Of course, there were other things of interest that the boys set aside for later.

During lunch, one of the boys wanted some water & then we all wanted some cool water; well, easier then ever....we have a faucet (30) feet away...with clear & cold water at your fingertips. I wanted to get a picture of the boys close to the small flower bed that Melissa & Mathew planted last fall...and this was the best I could do. DSC000745.JPG Then it was lunch time for the construction team & an opportunity for Melissa & her boys to tour the inside of the house. Unfortunately for the boys...there were many windows & doors opened that were a hazard for youngsters....& it wasn't easy to watch all (4) closely when they ignored the warning signals we gave out; even though no one was injured, it taught us a lesson to operate our tours with young people differently. DSC000746.JPG After the tour, Melissa encouraged her boys to play on the top-soil mountain. Each boy, except Gregory, had a shovel he could use to do whatever with that mountain.

            Here is Nathan digging for gold on the roof! Sure looks like he is anyway. DSC000747.JPG With a suspicious smile, I think Gregory is carrying far more weight around then necessary? DSC000748.JPG Then it was time for the gang to pick up their treasures & return to the Foote Castle. All in all, it was a different kind of visit. Later, Matthew called & asked me if I could bring his "Crocks" shoes the next time we visit them. He was barefoot & forgot to pick them up from the Top-soil Mountain.

Dinner: Tuna salad on a bed of Romaine lettuce with tomato, red grapes, olives, & chips.

Lights out: 11:02pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 16, 2011 1:25 PM.

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