Friday 13 May 2011

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Awake: 5:54am      Temp 63     sleep 6+43     TRW's & heavy    rain   overnight @ Nicktown.

After breakfast, K & I motored to Freeport, PA to visit Blume's for the 2nd time. En route, we drove through a heavy downpour before arriving & then the storm went east. Michelle greeted us & brought out the templates of our kitchen counter top. DSC000750.JPG Then we met Gus, who is the cutter & the one who takes great care to make sure that he understands each & every cut & hole that will be done. DSC000749.JPG       Gus moved the templates over to the granite slab to get the best choice of pattern. DSC000751.JPG                                      And he did this several times.... DSC000752.JPG Then we spent some time talking with Wes, the detail guy, & later, we followed Michelle into the warehouse to look at some bathroom sink/counter rejects, called "oops"! The price was right & the colors were workable, so we chose (2), one for each guest room.
We finished up with Michelle early afternoon; Kathy signed a few papers & we headed back to Nicktown.

On the way, we stopped briefly @ Wal-Mart for a few groceries & then at the Foote's to drop Matthew's Crocks off. We knew they would not be home as our earlier phone call was greeted by a recorded message, so we just left the shoes on the back porch. We arrived @ our M.H.late afternoon.

Dinner: Cottage cheese salad on spinach with peaches, hard boiled eggs, red grapes, & garlic bread.

Evening time, Melissa called: she had some comments & suggestions on our activities yesterday, which we both listened to & will take into consideration.

Evening movie: "The Demi-Paradise" with Laurence Olivier, Penelope Dudley Ward, Leslie Henson, Marjorie Fielding, Margaret Rutherford, etc. Charming romantic comedy-satire with Olivier intriguingly cast as a Russian engineer who skeptically comes to England...and promptly becomes involved with Ward. Perceptive and, in its way, still-topical Anatole de Grunwald script gently chides people's prejudice against "foreigners." (1943-British). Most interesting; I enjoyed this story very much.
Lights out: 12:14 am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 16, 2011 10:13 PM.

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