Saturday 14 May 2011

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Awake: 6:20am       Temp 60       sleep 6+06      cloudy       overnight @ Nicktown.

Yesterday our builder, Bernie, told us that he & his brother, Bob, would be working ½ day on Saturday, and that was fine with us. I think they wanted to get more of the ceiling panels up? Before breakfast, Kathy started making something in the kitchen that I've never seen I took a picture.

             "What is it?" I asked. "You'll just have to wait until tomorrow" she told me. DSC000755.JPG After our breakfast, Kathy continued painting the inside doors. While she was busy doing that, I started cleaning up our front yard by rounding up & loading the dead roots & tree stumps in the builder's wheel barrow... DSC000753.JPG                                 and carting that wood to a safe burning area. DSC000754.JPG There are many more to pick-up, especially in the field, but for now, I ran out of time.

K & I attended 6:00pm vigil Mass & then we joined Barry, who was guarding our favorite table, then his son, Todd arrived, & lastly, Theresa. We all had a pizza with beer except Theresa; she had already eaten. We did have our funny stories to tell & much laughing, which we sometimes don't do enough of.

Back @ our M.H., we watched a documentary: "Moguls & Movie stars" # 4. Very interesting!

Lights out: 12:34am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 17, 2011 9:47 PM.

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