Tuesday 10 May 2011

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Awake: 6:20am       Temp 46      sleep 6+56      partly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

For the last few days, my Dell computer has been slowing down more each day...so, mid morning, I did the Disk Cleanup & later, A Disk defragmenter. It sure made a nice significant change for the better.

                  Before noon, the UPS guy delivered (2) more faucets for our house. DSC000736.JPG Early afternoon, my brother called from North Carolina & he said they will be returning home tomorrow. He told me not to mow his grass because he can do it. "Well alright," I told him. But...after Kathy returned from the Book-Mobile, we motored to Ebensburg & while Kathy went grocery shopping, I mowed my brother's yard.

                                 Now that's a good load of healthy grass. DSC000737.JPG                         The Husqvarna mower sure does a superb job for my brother. DSC000738.JPG                   When Kathy returned, she did some trimming with the push mower. DSC000739.JPG And it looks good to us. Hey, I don't want to loose our job!

Next we cleaned our bodies & attended 6:00 pm Mass @ Nicktown.

Dinner: Reuben sandwich (Corn beef, 1000 Island dressing homemade), Gruyere cheese, & sauerkraut + some 4-bean salad.

Lights out: 11:40pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 14, 2011 5:05 PM.

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