Tuesday 26 April 2011

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Awake: 6:24am       Temp 61      sleep 6+01       sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

I made phone calls to Bernie, Steve, Jamie & Larry. All returned my calls but Jamie. We had a plan to visit Culligan where Jamie works in Indiana today to find out more about clearing the iron from our water.

Meanwhile, we talked with Bernie regarding electrical switches, dimmer switches & cover plates.

I also talked with Steve about him using his excavator to dig up the water lines & bring our pressure tank inside the house & a few other matters.

Actually, Larry visited us early afternoon & surveyed the water works for digging up the lines etc to bring the tank inside the house. He will send me a quote.

Next, I filled our pure water tank & drained the gray holding tank in the event Mother Nature has plans for precipitation. As it turned out, I was all done with the job except for putting the water hose in the pump house when heavy rain came & chased me inside; later, sunshine.

About (20) min later, Mark Brum... called from Ohio; they will be leaving Ohio & motoring into PA with anticipation of visiting us midday Friday. "That will be wonderful!" I told him.

Meanwhile, Jamie did call & he was about (30) min away from his work building; I asked if it would be ok for us to meet him at the shop in about (30) min to see the equipment & understand how the system works. "That will be ok with me," he said.

So Kathy & I quickly climbed into the Suzuki & motored to Indiana, PA & met Jamie at the Culligan building. Jamie was very professional in his explanation of the instruments & works that go into getting rid of the iron from the water. Having a strong magnet just won't do it! DSC000685.JPG After the iron is removed from the water, they have another system that makes the water taste even better. DSC000686.JPG                          We will keep in touch with each other on this subject.

Next, we visited Lowe's & began the familiarization of many selections of switches, dimmers & cover plates. This one does it all: switch, dimmer & has a locator light. DSC000687.JPG                          This one also does it all including a cover plate. DSC000688.JPG                        So far, Lowe's had the most switches, etc in our search. DSC000689.JPG                                        Here is a panel of cover plates. DSC000690.JPG While in Lowe's we could hear torrential rains falling outside so we extended our time inside to coincide with the rain let-up. A quick stop @ Wal-Mart & then we returned to Nicktown.

Dinner: leftover filled peppers with Como toast.

Lights out: 11:58pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 1, 2011 1:09 PM.

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