Monday 25 April 2011

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Awake: 6:18am     Temp 50     sleep 6+36      sunny--warm      overnight @ Nicktown.

      About 8:15 am this morning, 84-Lumber arrived & backed up close to our house. DSC000682.JPG         They were delivering nearly all of our inside doors for the main floor & basement. DSC000683.JPG After our KK meeting, Kathy motored to Carrolltown for a check on her blood pressure. It was good & the doctor was pleased.

Our forwarded mail arrived from Alaska late I spent some time going through the bundles.

Sometime around 4:40pm, my sister Corinne arrived to share the rest of the afternoon & evening with us + dinner & maybe a movie. DSC000684.JPG But 1st, Kathy served a deviled egg, some Triscuits & 1/3 of an apple as an appetizer. Then we gave Corinne a tour of our house, which she missed the last time she visited.

Dinner: Chicken Cacciatore with penne pasta, mixed salad & Como toast.

Afterward, I suggested a Nun movie, "Black Narcissus" for Corinne & Kathy to watch (while I did the dishes) since I had already seen this thriller.

We think Corinne figured out the plot way before the ending. I should have suggested an aviation movie.

We enjoyed seeing Corinne looking so comfortable in our motorhome. She left a little after 9:00 pm.

Lights out for us: 12:23am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 28, 2011 3:10 PM.

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