Wednesday 27 April 2011

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Awake: 6:34am    Temp 59     sleep 6+32     sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK & later, our breakfast, Kathy motored to Minors hospital for her first visit with Dr. Moreli, a surgeon, who will excise a lipoma from her right shoulder. She had to have a pre-op workup consisting of blood work, EKG, & chest x-ray. Surgery is scheduled for next Wed.

Meanwhile, I visited the house & talked with the REA guys to get a little more understanding of the geo-thermal system. I noticed that Bernie's team continued hanging inside doors today; it takes time to hang a door & do it right.

When Kathy returned @ 12:35, we both wanted to ask Bernie a few questions but he was elsewhere, so we'll catch him tomorrow.

Just when the construction team was leaving for the day, Rosemary & Gary arrived. Of course we invited them in for some good chewing of the fat with wine; oops, can't do that! Our wine vaporized with Lent & we didn't take the time to restock. G & R were nicely dressed up so I hope this photo will make them smile.  DSC04957.JPG. After the photo, K & I gave R & G a grand tour of our house; then we invited them for a visit to the Nicktown Bar....but they had to leave for some better offers.

Dinner: Tuna steak, broccoli, rice with golden raisins, mixed salad & Como toast.

Melissa called: we started to talk with her, but her house was so HOT that the boys were unable to sleep, so our talk was cut short.

Lights out: 11:55pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 1, 2011 7:53 PM.

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