Sunday 10 April 2011

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Awake: 7:14am      Temp 43       sleep 6+00        sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

1st thing this morning, I emptied the (4) de-humidifiers in the house. Every time I do this, less water I find & that's a good sign.

Such a beautiful day, I felt like traveling somewhere; so I called Melissa & asked if I might come over for a few hrs & spend some time with the boys after your church service. She was delighted to hear this offer & so was I.

In my attempts to stay ahead of the weather, I thought I'd better top off our M.H.'s pure water tank before I leave. Just think, I don't have to have layers of clothing on with gloves & a warm hat; I know both of my pump houses are warm & not frozen & the (2) light bulbs in each pump house have been shut off now for the winter, saving us electricity. Also my portable water filters won't be frozen if I leave them sitting on the ground for a spell. There are a few other things that this warm weather helps with the water works but I'm sure I have said enough.

After my breakfast, I motored over to the Foote Castle. I assumed that the boys would be in their back yard with this nice weather but no one was there. Walking toward the front entrance, I spotted Matthew; he was sort of organizing things on the front porch. Inside the castle, Kevin had just started making dinner. The other (3) boys had just left the back porch to begin making mud pies in the yard. I quickly realized that my chosen attire for this visit could be in jeopardy. Matthew however, had a different plan of Easter egg hiding & finding. That idea was in competition with the making mud pies. Yes, the hidden eggs were found ok but the mud pie attraction is in vogue but something even better is brewing. Gregory can feel the change coming. DSC000639.JPG The heck with the mud pies, brown shoes look cool & feel cool. Nathan's new shoes; DSC000640.JPG                 Then everyone was looking @ Nathan & Matthew's new brown shoes. DSC000641.JPG The tomboy neighbor, Mired, who changed her clothes to brown so she wouldn't look so muddy, is looking @ those new brown shoes. DSC000642.JPG                 Why, even Kinley the dog, was amazed at such a feat for the Footes. DSC000643.JPG Melissa had forgotten that Mathew & Andrew had their swimming lessons @ 5:00pm, so they had to wash up & get ready for the clear water with Kevin leading the way.

Melissa had made a few tasty smoothies for the kids & us adults & Kevin made some adult food for us before I I did manage to keep my attire out of harms way & it was just plain fun watching those boys manufacture a new style of brown shoes.

Back @ the M.H., Corinne & I had arranged to get connected today via phone & update each other. She was free @ 7:30pm & we did get some good ole fashion brother-sister talk time for @ least (35-40) min & that was nice.

Late evening, Zack Skyped me; he was looking for his mother....thinking I would know where she is. "Well, no I don't know where she is. Did you try her cell phone?" I asked. "Yes, but she didn't answer" he said. Anyway, Zack & I talked for (11) min & then he signed off to continue his hunt. High temp today=75.

Lights out: 11:52pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 11, 2011 5:51 PM.

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