Monday 11 April 2011

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Awake: 6:43am     Temp 65     sleep 6+51    windy...little sun...rain    overnight @ Nicktown.

Doug, the Bamboo salesman, called & told me he can ship our bamboo for the basement floor on Wednesday/Thursday. There will be (60) boxes which equates to (1130) ft & the pads.
                Also, the REA guys visited & are installing the main floor ceiling vents..... DSC000644.JPG                                                           & returns. DSC000645.JPG                And the vanity cabinet for the master bathroom is slowly taking shape. DSC000646.JPG                       Some of the guys are doing the window moldings. No photo.

Dinner: split pea soup with oyster crackers & Como toast, Italian sausage with tomato sauce, & a spinach salad.

Kathy called using her cell phone. We updated each other &, of course, she was having the most fun. Jerry & Kathy stayed home & played while Eriko went off to conduct her weekly rhythm class. Eriko & Jerry needed to renew their Japanese passports, so in the afternoon all went to Costco to get their pictures taken & then on to the Japanese Consulate to fill out the paperwork. How about that!

Lights out: 11:35pm. 

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 13, 2011 7:17 PM.

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