Saturday 9 April 2011

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Awake: 5:59am       Temp 34      sleep 6+11      overcast      overnight @ Nicktown.

After the KK meeting, I returned to our M.H. & found a few calls waiting; Gary C. was one of them. I am glad they are back. Gary & I talk a lot so it's good to hear his voice again.

Today is grocery shopping day for me. I am getting low on a number of food items so I motored to the Ebensburg Wal-Mart store.

En route, I stopped @ the Sheets fuelling station, topped our Suzuki's fuel tank for a little over $45 $ & then did my shopping. I spent about as much for the fuel as I did for the groceries... & I didn't get that many groceries. DSC000638.JPG Back in our M.H., a few more calls were waiting; the best one was from Queen Anne Hill in Seattle; the party animals were ready to Skype. This time, my computer worked great....for about (5) min, & then I switched over to the cordless phone; my old Dell is not powerful enough to handle the newest & greatest signals.

We talked for close to (30) min, covering most of the activity & places they have gone & things they had done. Gosh, it all sounded like fun, & I'm missing all of this. Then the ladies had to get ready for their 2nd Bridal Shower so I reluctantly let them go.

Next, I went to our community center & exercised for a mere (45) min. I'm starting out slow so I won't hurt myself....& I have done that before.

Dinner: left over beef stew, with Como toast.

Later, I attended the vigil Mass @ Nicktown & afterward, Barry, Theresa, John & I got together & had some good conversations along with our good beer. The bar & restaurant was very crowded; I had never seen so many people in this hotel before. Movie: A private screening: on James Garner. That was most interesting.

Lights out:1:14am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 10, 2011 7:36 PM.

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