Friday 8 April 2011

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Awake: 5:18am     Temp 37     sleep 5+56     rain--most of day      overnight @ Nicktown.

I visited Bernie shortly after they drove into our circular drive. The rest of the workers, except Bob, are back on our job. Bernie & I talked about electrical receptacles & matching the receptacle color to the room color.

I also gave him an update on what Doug told me yesterday about our Bamboo flooring; he thinks they will be able to round up enough of the flooring to ship it next week sometime. He will let us know.

After our KK meeting, I noticed an REA truck parked on the west side of our house. I wanted to catch those guys before they leave & get some more schooling. It turned out that only Mike had stopped in from a job in Barnesboro. Mike answered most of my questions which made me understand a few things a lot better on the Geo system. DSC000635.JPG In the motor home, my mechanical mouse for my computer has been misbehaving itself for a few weeks I decided to give it a thorough cleaning. Just as I was on the last step of getting the clam shell open, (2) very small springs & a few other parts flew across the table; fortunately none of those parts went overboard. DSC000636.JPG So I did a good clean-up job on the small parts & inside the clamshell but, to figure out how those tiny parts get back together again was another story. About (20) min later, frustration was on my heels, so to calm myself down, I called my high-tech buddy, Ray, in Ocean Park, WA & asked him if he had any experience on a mechanical mouse. He did, he told me. He took one apart & when trying to put it together, he couldn't, so he bought a new one. Well, that's not what I expected to hear. We chatted a while longer & slowly my frustration faded I thanked Ray for calming me down, & then I got serious about getting those little parts back together again. It took about (40) calm minutes but the mechanical mouse is back in business. Dust & dirt was the culprit. DSC000637.JPG This day was perfect for doing this kind of thing; heavy rain, wind, etc. Oh by the way, the alarm clock I worked on is partially fixed but I am setting it aside for now.

Dinner: leftover tuna & noodles, olives, 4-bean salad, rice express & grapes.

Mid evening, Gary C. called; they are back in town. We did a little updating via phone tonight but we will talk more later.

Lights out: 11:48pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 9, 2011 7:30 PM.

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