Sunday 27 March 2011

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Awake: 7:06am       Temp 18      sleep 7+01       sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

As soon as the sun shone on our house, I visited & emptied all those de-humidifiers. Kathy then made a hot breakfast: an onion, pepper, mushroom, Canadian bacon, spinach, Gruyere, & Boursin cheese omelet with sour dough toast; which was GREAT!

Later, after the temperature warmed up, Kathy did a laundry load & I refilled our pure water tank. After I finished stowing the hose & portable water filters in M.H.'s basement, Zack Skyped us for a good 1 hr & 27 min. Most of our talk covered the Zack & Katie wedding plans in June. DSC000606.JPG Afterward, Kathy must have made (6) visits to our house pondering on changing or matching colors in our bedroom.

Dinner: leftover Italian sausage, tomatoes, peppers, noodles, & a cottage cheese salad with mandarin orange slices.

Lights out: 11:33pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 29, 2011 10:01 AM.

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