Saturday 26 March 2011

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Awake: 6:45am       Temp 12       sleep 6+35      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting & breakfast, Kathy motored to the town of Loretta, (9) miles & had Rob cut her hair for the 2nd time. Oh, my gosh, is my favorite customer leaving me for Rob? Hmm. DSC000600.JPG                         I hate to admit it...but Rob does give a good hair cut.

Later, we Skyped Nick & family in Seattle for a good 1 hr, 29 min. A lot of this time was dedicated to his up-to-date renovation plans on his home. Some of you have seen these photos of Nick's plans before so I dare you to find any of the new changes. Use your imagination now; Main floor: Kitchen, dining room, living room, office, bathroom, etc. DSC000598.JPG Outside, directly across the street is a kindergarten thru 8th grade school. Very convenient! DSC000599.JPG                         There are (4) exits on this house; not counting the roof. DSC000601.JPG I could show more photos but one can certainly get the picture. Our tax prep is finally finished & ready for mailing. Mid afternoon, K & I visited our house & I took pictures of all (3) bedrooms & the hex, Guest bed room - cay blue. DSC000602.JPG                                         Another guest bedroom - aloe. DSC000603.JPG                                       Master bedroom - cooled blue. DSC000604.JPG                                              And the hex- bee's wax. DSC000605.JPG Dinner: New England clam chowder, with sourdough bread.

K & I attended 6:00pm vigil Mass & afterward, we patronized the Nicktown bar & each of us had a beer.

Back @ our M. H., I did my duty & emptied all the de-humidifiers before entering our coach.

Late evening, we finished watching the movie: "Waterloo Bridge" with Mae Clarke, Kent Douglass, (Douglass Montgomery), Doris Lloyd, Frederick Kerr, Enid Bennett, Bette Davis, etc. Excellent early-talkie version of the tearjerker romance made famous in its 1940 remake. Clarke delivers an exceptional performance as an American chorus girl in WWI London, and the film has a grittiness (missing from the remake) that lenient pre-Code standards allowed. One of Davis earliest films. 1931. Beautiful love story but a very sad ending.

Lights out: 12:05am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 28, 2011 3:16 PM.

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