Monday 28 March 2011

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Awake: 5:55am      Temp 12      sleep 6+22       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, I visited the REA guys to try & learn more about this geothermal system. Actually, they were a little too busy @ this time, so I will be patient & try another time.

Kathy made quite a few phone calls early morning...regarding the granite counter top,& obtaining tile samples.

Late morning, Bernie visited us & invited us to join him after lunch for measurements on faucets, showers & shower heads. DSC000607.JPG Mid afternoon, Kathy made a color change in our master bedroom & when the painters finished, she was delighted.

Meanwhile, I filled a form out for auto pay ...for our electricity. Later, Kathy also called Hans regarding the suspended ceiling tiles.

Late afternoon I called Al's Tire Service & asked Neddie for an update on Kevin's Ford Van. She told me Dave was going to install a new blower motor & then he thinks he will be finished.
Kathy & Melissa made several calls back & forth, mostly talking about the bridal shower in Chicago.

Dinner: Almond topped cod fish, brown rice, mixed salad, & sourdough toast.

Lights out: 11:36pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 29, 2011 5:25 PM.

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