Tuesday 16 November 2010

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Awake: 6:05am     Temp 43      sleep 5+31     off & on rain...all day     overnight @ Nicktown.

My 1st cousin Florentz called. He had a question & I had an answer...which I won't expound on. What was nice to hear was that his voice & dialog were cheery.

Around noon time, Scott, the geo-thermal guy, drove into our circular drive with another truck following him. Turns out that it was a well driller &, in the rain, they walked around studying our field for a respectable location to drill wells for the geo-thermo system.

Later, Bernie came over to our motorhome & gave me a full sized drawing of where the electrical outlets will be located on the main floor; DSC000161.JPG                                        the basement & outside areas. DSC000162.JPG Then we went into the house & discussed how the ceiling will come down to the kitchen cabinets & how the fireplace will avoid hot air coming out from the stack onto the porch....& making the laundry room closet a little bigger, etc.

Dinner: leftover Italian sausage, pepper, onions & bread.

After dinner, I finished doing the dishes & then attended the Holy Name meeting @ the church hall. I returned @ 10:00 pm & we watched the recorded Jeopardy & O'Reilly Factor before lights out @: 11:35pm.

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