Wednesday 17 November 2010

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Awake: 6:20am    Temp 43    sleep 6+45    windy...rainy...sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our breakfast, Kathy motored to Joddie's house, switched autos & continued motoring in Joddie's car to Indiana where they joined their weekly ladies bowling group. Shortly after Kathy left, the Long Barn delivered a small load of wood & other misc. DSC000163.JPG Meanwhile, my day was not so busy so....when the cat is away.... I made a few phone calls:1st, to my young buddy Rochelle in Washington State. How about 59 min & 30 sec of chit-chat....mostly catching up on each others lives; her kids, our grown kids, her dead dog, our live house building, her future costs for education, our grandkids & their future, etc, etc.
It was good for me to make contact again with Rochelle. Her father & I were best of buddies.

Next, I called my buddy Gary C & talked with both Rosemary & Gary. Later, Dick from Saint Michael's called; he told me another (3) boxes of bricks were brought by Al from Nitterhouse for our perusal. By this time, Kathy had returned & we talked about our day's activities. Then before dark, with a mist of rain, I checked the progress the builders were making; more shingling & building another dormer. DSC000164.JPG Dinner: Pistachio encrusted tuna & salmon steaks with rice pilaf, toast & spinach salad. We watched some more of the movie: "Night must Fall."

Lights out: 11:28pm.

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