Monday 15 November 2010

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Awake: 6:26am      Temp 38      sleep 6+36     mostly sunny    overnight @ Nicktown.

Kevin called @ 6:48am. He told me he just sent an e-mail regarding their dead stove's electric element. He also said he used his meter & checked the electric element & found it to be open. I was glad to hear now he can look for & buy a new element to get that stove working again. And when I opened my e-mail, there was Kevin's message.

Melissa & her boys will be visiting us today due to a forecast of rain on Tuesday. They arrived @ 10:29am & they were ready for action....straight toward that infamous dumpster. Unfortunately, last night's rain had everything very wet & muddy. However, that didn't stop the curious hunters one bit; why even Kathy pursued forward in finding ....more treasures. DSC000157.JPG Finally, to give the dumpster time to dry out, the gang headed for the basement where the sunshine brought warmth & the boys played for a long time making the best fun out of available things like: boxes, Styrofoam, more nails, etc. DSC000160.JPG Later, when the builders were working outside on a dormer, the boys did their scouting for more nails & orange buttons on the main floor. Back to the basement again, Melissa served the traditional mid-day healthy snack time for the boys & then, we went for a walk in our field where the quad-runners play. Matthew & Andrew found some re-bar & started to punch & pound the earth just about every step of the way with their (18) inch (length) re-bar rods. DSC000159.JPG I get such a kick out of these boys; they usually find things to do without having any things to do it with.The Footes left for home around 2:00pm.

Next, I set up the water works & filled our pure water tank; then I finished the job that I started last Friday (wiring & soldering a light socket for # 1 pump house).

During my time outside, Nick called from the Minneapolis airport where he was waiting for his connecting flight to New Orleans. He talked with Kathy, mostly relating that Isilon is being acquired by EMC for $2.25 billion as consolidation in the data storage sector continues.

Dinner: Tilapia fish, rice with golden raisins, broccoli, cauliflower & a mixed salad.

Lights out: 12:34am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 17, 2010 2:22 PM.

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