Sunday 14 November 2010

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Awake: 6:35am     Temp 45     sleep 7+06   partly sunny, later rain    overnight @ Nicktown.

In lieu of our regular breakfast this morning, we chose to motor to Barnesboro & go to the basement of Prince of Peace Catholic church to try their renowned turkey dinner.

We don't know how many times a year this occasion arises, but we've heard nothing but good talk about this meal. We arrived around 11:30am & filled our plate fairly well; about (10) min later, the line-up was leading outside.

This dinner was not only good, it was great...& the price was right! Kathy took a break from cooking this morning & I had very few dishes to wash.

After a short visit to our motorhome, we motored to the Foote Castle & spent some time with the Foote family. Soon after we arrived, the boys led us to the basement to look over the wonders of their nailing & building creations. Matthew made this box; he told me he will keep his basement buddies in this. DSC000153.JPG               And here is Andrew adding more nails to his well made & creative "thing." DSC000154.JPG Nathan is just a little too young to handle a hammer yet. Kevin did make a kids height work bench for the boys to pound those nails on & we could easily see the fruits of their labor. Good work Kevin!

Up stairs in the kitchen, Kevin & I began talking about the stove that died. I've  heard about this dead stove last week from Melissa so I asked Kevin if he had made a resistance check on the element yet. He didn't. So I suggested to Kevin that he remove the element & check for some resistance; if there is none, the element is bad & you can buy a new one & replace it. If there is some resistance, then another source of the stove is the problem. Kevin said he would check it tomorrow.

Then Kevin, Matthew, Kathy & I donned our winter jackets, rain coats & a few umbrellas & walked over to the IUP swimming pool & watched Matthew's swimming lesson with (5) other children. DSC000155.JPG Matthew held Kathy's hand all the way over & on the way back, he held mine. We talked & watched as Matthew jumped, paddled, floated, dove, etc according to what their swimming teacher wanted them to do. Here is Matthew getting his breathing stroke. DSC000156.JPG On our return to the Foote Castle, we thanked Matthew & Kevin for letting us watch his swimming lesson & headed back to Nicktown in the rain.

We finished watching the "2001 Space Odyssey" with Keir Dullea, William Sylvester, Gary Lockwood, Daniel Richter; voice of HAL: Douglas Rain. A unique masterpiece, immensely influential; a visual feast. Oscar-winning special effects. Etc, etc. 1968. You make the call; our opinion was quite different than theirs.

Nick Skyped us for (47) min; we talked a little bit with Eriko & talked with Nick about his work & upcoming trip to New Orleans & about the house. We interacted with Jerry & tried to interact with Momo who was confused as to who we were.

Lights out: 11:50pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 16, 2010 6:24 PM.

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