Thursday 23 September 2010

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Awake: 6:34am      Temp 62      sleep 6+51       mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

All the workers were here around 7:00am. After the KK meeting, we returned to the motorhome, changed shoes & walked around our structure to see the progress. Naturally, the hammers were heard all around town, depending on wind direction of course. Here one can see the brick imprint on the inside wall of the end structure; DSC09958.JPG The outside concrete wall is smooth. Most of the afternoon was taken up preparing ourselves for tomorrow's visit to State College & working with Matt on windows & doors. I printed out (24) sheets of different windows that we might be interested in or not. We also examined our house drawing....trying to fully understand what type of window: aluminum clad wood or fiberglass would work better.

At the end of this day, all the aluminum forms were gone & this is our basement. It will be be all cemented but the rest of these walls will be of wooden structure. DSC09968.JPG Dinner: walnut crusted wild Alaskan sockeye salmon with rice, asparagus, 4-bean salad & an orange.

Lights out: 11:36pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 25, 2010 2:03 PM.

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