Saturday 11 September 2010

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Awake: 6:54am       Temp 47       sleep 7+31      sunny.       overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I skipped the KK meeting today & after a small breakfast, we left Nicktown @ 8:40am.

We motored to State Collage, PA & spent 2.5 hrs with Matt, the Pella Windows & Doors expert. This is our 2nd experience with Pella; on August 4th, while in Somerset, PA, we talked about windows & doors with Roy @ Lowe's for 1.5 hrs. Matt appeared to us to have more experience with the high end of the vast building in State College. He looked @ our house drawing & made notes of each & every window. DSC09942.JPG how about some of these windows in the family area. DSC09940.JPG What do you think about this door for our entry? DSC09946.JPG Later, he told us he would e-mail the estimate of the various window types: fiberglass, wood, and vinyl.

From here, we found a Wal-Mart a few miles away & did some grocery shopping.

Back in Nicktown, K & I attended the 6:00pm vigil Mass &, afterward, hinted to Bill to join us for a beer @ the Nicktown Bar. He did & we enjoyed his company.

Back @ our motorhome, we had leftover Chili & chicken for dinner. Later evening, we got a call from Zack; he & Katie were cruising around in a 2006 Lexus. They have been looking for a reasonable car for some time now; test driving many other brands & today, they found a car, a Hybrid, that they are seriously interested in. So the dealership gave them (72) hrs to give it a real test. Zack said he would keep us informed.

Late movie: "Go-Between." We watched ½.

Lights out: 12:33am.

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I love your door selection. Nice choice. I also really like the blue/white bricks you were looking at on that house. The ones in the shop seemed a little different, but still nice.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 15, 2010 10:04 AM.

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